Do you have early or late appointments?
Yes! We realise pain isn’t 9-5 and we aren’t either, so have early and late appointments available in the week from 8am up until 9pm. We are also open on the weekends. Full opening times can be viewed here on the contact us page.
What’s the difference between Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and a Chiropractor?
These days choosing which one of these professions is often a matter of preference. Osteopaths are very hands on using a lot of massage and articulation of joints along with joint manipulation – you will definitely feel that you have been worked on after! Physiotherapists tend to focus more exercises and stretches to aid in rehabilitation, while Chiropractors may perhaps focus solely around joint manipulations. They all come to diagnosis in slightly different ways, Osteopaths can perhaps look a little more holistically and, while treating the symptomatic area, may also treat parts of the body which they think are the underlying causes of the symptoms.
Will I receive treatment on my first visit?
Of course! The initial consultation will last a full hour and you will be given a diagnosis, treatment plan and what you’ve come in for – treatment! For the first 10-15 minutes your Osteopath will go through a few medical case history questions in order to build a picture of your case, followed by a thorough examination which will involve going through some basic movements and tests. Once a diagnosis has been made your Osteopath will begin treatment and you’ll be on the road to recovery!
Should I have Osteopathy or a Sports Massage?
With a Sports Massage no diagnosis is made although you may be given advice on what potentially could be causing some of the tightness in the musculature. Osteopathy, on the other hand, will provide you with a concise diagnosis and treatment plan. Due to the fact that we will be treating the cause as well as the symptoms Osteopathy looks at long term prevention as well as cure and so more treatments are usually necessary, where as a Sports Massage is often considered as only short term relief, regardless of complexity.
How many sessions will I need?
Ideally your practitioner is trying to get you better as soon as possible! Some cases take just a couple of treatments, some can take many more. However on average it usually takes 5-6 sessions of treatment in order to reduce symptoms to the point of preventing reoccurrence.
How long do treatments last?
Here at Wandsworth Town Osteopathy we hate to rush you and unlike many other clinics our appointment times are longer than most at 1 hour for an initial consultation and 40 minutes for every follow up. This is so we can ensure you get a full 30 minutes of treatment in each session and time getting changed, examination, re-examination and discussing diagnoses doesn’t eat into valuable hands on treatment!
Will I have to undress?
We may ask you to undress partially for treatment in some cases, however we want you to feel completely comfortable during treatment at Wandsworth Town Osteopathy and you will not be asked to undress any more than you are happy to. We advise bringing along with you some loose shorts or appropriate underwear. Gowns can be provided, and you are welcome to bring a chaperone along if you wish. Your modesty is respected at all times.
Do you take card payments?
Yes we take all credit and debit cards, including AMEX so you can build up those Avios points, as well as accepting cash, cheques and bank transfers.
Is Osteopathy safe?
Osteopathy is safe for all ages, and we will be able to treat 99% of cases. All our Osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic Council and have gone through years of extensive training to be granted use of the title Osteopath. Any contraindications to treatment will be flagged up during your initial consultation, in which case you may be referred on to another healthcare professional if warranted.
Is Western Acupuncture safe?
Western Acupuncture is completely safe and painless, your practitioners are highly skilled at administering the needles and have extensive knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology required to treat safely. You are in good hands! Some mild bruising may occur in vary rare cases.At Wandsworth Town Osteopathy we do not use needles that exceed 25mm in length when administering acupuncture in the spinal area.
Is Shockwave Therapy safe?
Shockwave therapy is a safe, non invasive treatment that has been recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the NHS for chronic tendinopathy issues. It uses high energy acoustic waves – not electrical shocks which is a common misconception. You may feel some mild discomfort and feel a little tender after the session – similar to a deep tissue massage. We are unable to treat using Shockwave if you are pregnant, are taking antiplatelets or anticoagulant medication, if you have a blood clotting disorder, if you are under 18, if you have been diagnosed with cancer or are being treated for an active cancer, or if you have an of the following in, on or around the symptomatic area: tendon rupture, current infection, metal pins or plates or have had a recent steroid injection (within the last 6 weeks).
Are Pre Natal treatments / Pregnancy Massage safe?
Our Pre Natal treatments are safe and gentle for you and your baby. We adapt and cater our techniques bespoke to you and how far along you are in your term. There is no evidence that Osteopathy, massage, dry needling or cupping treatments are detrimental to your health or the health of your baby when exercised with caution. Our practitioners are highly experienced and trained in treating perinatal patients and have you and your baby’s safety as our foremost concern. Techniques may differ slightly from usual Osteopathy, however we find that repair and recovery is often quicker than usual due to changing hormonal balances – facilitating better results with more varied treatment techniques. We are happy to treat through every term of pregnancy, and discuss any concerns regarding this with the patient individually prior to treatment. However we recommend patients gain advice from their consultant or midwife first. The safety of you and your baby are paramount to us, along with your comfort during treatment.
Is Medical Cupping safe?
Contrary to the visual effects of Medical Cupping looking quite extreme, the therapy is painless and an incredibly safe form of treatment. The marks left by the cups are not bruises and should not hurt. The mark is the increase in blood flow around the area caused by the pressure from the cup itself. This is a good sign as the increase in blood flow will help the healing of the tissue around it, whilst at the same time releasing stagnant blood flow and toxin build up. These marks will last for a few days but the skin will return to its original state after this time.
Are there any side effects to treatment?
Osteopathy, Massage, Shockwave, Cupping and Acupuncture may all result in some discomfort post treatment and very rarely superficial bruising can occur. However this is very uncommon and any soreness shouldn’t last more than a few days after treatment. We advise icing the areas that have been worked on in aid to combat any discomfort you may feel. Treatment shouldn’t stop you doing anything you had planned to do including exercising, however please take the advice of your practitioner as every case is different.
Is Paediatric Osteopathy available?
We have an excellent specialist Paediatric Osteopath, Alexandra, who works at Wandsworth Town Osteopathy. She has completed her full 2 year Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy from the prestigious Osteopathic Centre for Children here in London. For more information about Alexandra and Osteopathy for children and babies please visit the Paediatric Osteopathy section on our website or email us at [email protected].
Do you guarantee treatment success?
We do not guarantee treatment success however we endeavour to get you feeling better as soon as possible using the best of our capabilities. In some cases it may become apparent, if treatment does not provide good results, that your condition is beyond the ability of what we can provide in terms of recovery and rehabilitation. In these situations we will be happy to refer you to a specialist.
Do I need a GP referral?
No, you do not need a GP referral to be treated. You can be seen as soon as you like with one of our Osteopaths.
Do you have a complaints procedure?
We ask you to bring up any complaints with your practitioner first and we will endeavour to put right what you feel has gone wrong, however if you wish to take the matter further then the Institute of Osteopathy or the General Osteopathic Council will advise you.
How do I check my Osteopath is regulated?
All Osteopaths are regulated with the General Osteopathic Council in accordance with Osteopath’s Act 1993 and have undergone at least 4 years training to earn the title Osteopath. It is illegal for someone to call themselves an Osteopath without being on the register. Every registered Osteopath’s details can be found on General Osteopathic Council database.
How do I cancel my appointment?
Please note we have a 24 hour cancelation policy – please see our Terms & Conditions. To cancel please call 0208 870 6464 or email [email protected].
Can I claim for treatment on my health insurance?
We are recognised by multiple health insurance companies and provide detailed invoices for you to reclaim payments from your insurer directly, please enquire first with them to see if you are covered. We are able to process BUPA invoices directly for you. Please see our Terms & Conditions page for further details. Please note you may not be able to claim for Western Acupuncture as a stand alone treatment through insurance companies, as we are regulated through the General Osteopathic Council rather than the British Acupuncture Association. Please check your policy before booking.
Do you have toilet facilities in the clinic?
Yes we have toilet facilities on site, unfortunately it is not disability friendly due to space constraints.
Do you have wheelchair access?
Wandsworth Town Osteopathy is wheelchair friendly and accessible. Both our treatment rooms and reception are ground floor access. Unfortunately our lavatory facilities are slightly small and not wheelchair accessible.
Do you provide home visits?
We are able to provide home visits for Paediatric Osteopathy only. This will be charged at an extra fee and is subject to the availability of the practitioner. Please email [email protected] for more information.
Do you provide online consultations?
We provide online consultations for Nutritional Therapy only. The timings and prices are the same as face to face appointments. Please email [email protected] for more information.